Akamai Ssl Certificate

Ssltls primer part 2 public key certificates.
Akamai ssl certificate. Akamai plans to automatically reissue all akamai managed ssltls certificates using sha 256 before google chrome starts warning users about outdated signatures. The warning states the name on the sc is invalid or does not match the name of the site. By charlie gero march 8. You can however work in reverse by creating the csr in akamai cps as a third party certificate take that to your ca complete in akamai then import that certificate to your origin.
They wont allow you to upload a certificate to them. Ssl certificates to enable the https protocol for securely delivering content on an azure cdn custom domain you must use an ssl certificate. Enable https with a cdn managed certificate. Akamai has a strange certificate provisioning system cps it can be very messy.
You can choose to use a certificate that is managed by azure cdn or use your own certificate. Lets encrypt is a free automated and open certificate authority brought to you by the non profit internet security research group isrg. Akamais intelligent edge platform surrounds everything from the enterprise to the. Because we understand the importance of ssl security to you and your customers akamai delivers ssl secured content over a dedicated portion of our globally distributed network.
Akamai secures and delivers digital experiences for the worlds largest companies. Customers with akamai managed certificates on an annual renewal cycle single hostname wildcard or san certificates issued by verizoncybertrust or symantec do not need to take any action at this time. The akamai secure cdn platform provides industry leading security and reliability with complete certificate lifecycle management and ssltls certificate options to help organizations enable secure https experiences across the internet. The certificate provisioning system cps provides full life cycle management of ssltls certificates for your akamai secure delivery network applications.
Lets encrypt is a free automated and open certificate authority brought to you by the non profit internet security research group isrg. In enterprise security ssltls primer part 1.