Birth Certificate Lawyer

When a parents name is incorrect on a birth certificate you can ask the court for an order to correct the birth certificate.
Birth certificate lawyer. A government lawyer would be able to tell you how to obtain a birth certificate and may provide guidance on how to deal with government agencies. C if the original certificate of birth contains fictitious names of either or both parents a new certificate shall not be prepared until notification is received by or proper proof is submitted to the commissioner by the clerk of a court of competent jurisdiction or the parents or their attorney or the person himself or his attorney of a judgment order or decree relating to parentage. The legislation allows any adoptee upon turning 18 to apply to their local or state health department to get an original copy of their certified birth certificate. An attorney requesting a birth certificate on behalf of a registrant registrants mother or registrants father if named on the certificate can order a birth certificate.
If the child was born recently the parents should first contact the medical records department at the hospital. If you have any questions or concerns regarding what rights a father may have especially if they are the one named on the childs birth certificate then you should consider contacting a father rights lawyer immediately. It does not have these records for new york city the boroughs of manhattan kings brooklyn queens bronx and richmond staten island. Download this document pdf and follow the instructions at the top of the document.
Birth records are also available from the local registrar of vital. Asked on feb 22nd 2013 on family law new york more details to this question. My birth certificate has no name or father last name what can i do to fix it. A lawyer can provide counsel regarding the various rights associated with being named the legal father.
However the process is fairly straightforward as long as you know the locality where you were born. We have updated the terms and conditions of our rocket lawyer on call service level agreement that apply to your use of the platform and products and services provided by rocket lawyer.