Mbe Certification Cost

There is no cost to apply for certification as an mbedbe.
Mbe certification cost. If you are interested in becoming certified need an application or for more information about the mbewbevbe bepd acdbedbe programs please contact the department of procurement services at 3127444900. Bep certification and vendor registration to the ipb is free of charge for all applicants. Mbe certification process at a glance in order to achieve certified mbe status all applicants must successfully navigate the mbe certification process outlined below. The eligibility standards for both programs are very similar and ombe strongly recommends applicants submit the uniform certification application.
All certified mwbe vendors appear on the office of equal opportunity directory of certified mwbe vendors. We recommend that you review this process in full before embarking on your certification journey. The indiana minority and womens business enterprises division has executed cooperative agreements with the womens business enterprise council great lakes wbec gl and the indiana department of transportation indot wherein certifications from this organization will be considered as recommendations toward the states mbewbe certification. How much does it cost to become bep certified as a fbe mbe or pbe.
Certification as a minority business enterprise mbe andor woman owned business enterprise wbe provides greater opportunities for these businesses to participate on state bids as prime contractors or as subcontractors. The certification committee must approve the application before it can be submitted to the board for final approval. Mbe certification is conducted by the regional affiliate that supports your business home office. The board will review the certification committees recommendation and make the final decision.
I am already certified as a disadvantaged business enterprise dbefbembepbe does the state accept that certification. The certification committee meets regularly to review applications for mbe certification. Frequently asked questions. Applicants who submit the uniform certification application are evaluated for eligibility in both the mbe and dbe programs simultaneously.