Michigan Advance Directive Printable Form

State by state advance directive forms.
Michigan advance directive printable form. Type or print witnesss name this form was. There are many kinds of advance directives with different names such as a health care power of attorney patient advocate designation or a do not. The fill in the blanks forms at the end of the pamphlet. Just select your state from the drop down menu below and download the free advance directive forms for you to use.
Download the massachusetts health care proxy and everplans massachusetts living will form. When planning for your future medical care prepare your advance directives to be sure your loved ones make health choices according to your wishes. The other is a do not resuscitate dnr declaration which is for. An advance directive is a form where you can write down what type of care you want or whom you want to make those decisions for you if you cannot make those decisions for yourself.
Youll find instructions on how to fill out the forms. What is different about advance directives in the state of michiganmichigan has two kinds of advance directives. Advance directive patient advocate page 1a of 9a advance directive durable power of attorney for healthcare patient advocate designation introduction this document provides a way for an individ ual to create a durable power of attorney for healthcare patient advocate designation and other documentation that will meet the. Again this is not legally valid but it can guide your health care proxy and your physicians about the types of choices you would make.
The michigan living will or legally known as the document directing health care is a legal document that is completely written or dictated by the declarant in their own words with their own meaningsthis document will be expected by the declarant to be followed by any and all who are involved in the end of life medical choices of the declarant. A living will also known as an advance directive allows a person to state their end of life medical treatment and carethis document does not hold any bearings after death it solely directs physicians to care for a person based on what is stated in their living will especially with issues such as dnr do not resuscitatewithout this document its difficult to judge an ill or. A michigan law provides these documents are valid in settings other than hospitals or nursing homes. Michigan recognizes health care proxies healthcare power of attorney but there is no law in michigan governing living wills and there is no standard living will form for michigan.
Make sure in completing any document you type or print clearly. An advance directive is a written document in which you specify what type of medical care you want in the future or who you want to make decisions for you should you lose the ability to make decisions for yourself.